Quynh Ha's Portfolio

Welcome to Luna's 3D Model Gallery

Despite having an Interactive Media & Game Development degree, I specialized in Tech area, so I didn't get to learn about 3D Art in general during my years at WPI. I self taught myself to use Blender to understand the process of 3D modeling.

All of the models are made with Blender 3D. This Gallery uses three.js to display all the model. For more, please visit my 3D Gallery on Instagram!
Scene GiftBox
Scene Cake
Scene TeaCup
Scene Camera
Scene TeaPot
Scene Blossom
Scene GingerBread
Scene ChristmasGift
Scene MidnightDiner
Scene Ornament
Scene Bento
Scene SnowFlakes
Scene ChristmasGlobe
Scene ChristmasSock
Scene CandyCane
Scene Wreath
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